Early Childhood School
Primary School
Secondary School

Primary 6 Magical Send-off to Graduates

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Thursday August 5th, 2021

  Wizarding send-off

To cap the primary years of the HBL batch of graduates, Tzu Chi Primary school teachers prepared a weeklong send-off tagged as the Wizarding Week.  Primary 6 students were divided into four houses: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Together they went through different challenges and tasks. 


In Days 1 and 2, the students had Charms, Apparition and Music, Muggle Arts and Transfiguration, Potions and Arithmancy classes. They turned milk into crafts, sang and danced chants, unlocked spells, created a rhythm with taps and patterns, and performed a skit with friends. All these whilst wearing their house emblems and colours. 


Day 3 was packed with activities for the Muggle Arts of Public Speaking. The students learned the secrets of impromptu speech from the expert, Shibo Donny De Keizer. Shibo Donny is a speakerpreneur, television broadcaster and CEO of Communicasting Academy. 


Alohomara, a session with the counsellors, aimed to unlock the participants' inner magical power. The students' quest to find, acknowledge, accept and celebrate their characteristics, strengths and personality charged Day 4 with many valuable realisations. 


Finally, the graduates met their senior schoolmates. Tzu Chi Secondary School Student Council gave the batch a sneak peek of what their life may look like after primary school. The day ended with a time capsule activity. 


With these experiences, Primary 6 students reflected on the journey they have just completed. These activities allowed them to reminisce, helped them appreciate their growth, and be ready to seize what the future holds. 


By: Ms. Risa Pangilinan Gutierrez (Academic Coordinator)