Early Childhood School
Primary School
Secondary School

Literacy Day

On Category

Wednesday November 1st, 2023


The purpose of Literacy Day is to celebrate the importance of early literacy. This day emphasises how critical early reading is to a child's development and future success. The cornerstone of a child's scholastic journey is early reading. It covers skills like reading, writing, and communicating, all of which are essential for a child's growth and education.


On September 8th, Tzu Chi Early Childhood observed Literacy Day. The kids dressed as their favourite book characters and came to school. Princess Elsa, Little Red Riding Hood, Princess Belle from Beauty and the Beast, and numerous other characters were present. The teachers appeared as their preferred characters as well. Each class sent two members to pour the bamboo bank to share with those in need as the event's opening ceremony got underway.


This year, we organised a programme where students from all levels exchanged books. The purpose of this exercise is to encourage sharing and the enjoyment of reading new books. The students also shared their favourite books with their friends at a book-sharing (show-and-tell) session that we hosted. Each class collaborated to decorate an alphabet using various loose bits for the class assignment. The alphabet was embellished using a variety of objects, including bottle caps, leaves, buttons, newspapers, and more. Out of all 28 classes, it produced "INDONESIA MEMBACA AKU SUKA BACA".


We invited two skilled storytellers to participate in our programme on Literacy Day. Om Wiwid, a storyteller at the nursery level, told a story about sharing. The storyteller for K1 and K2 levels was Paman Gery, who told us "The Monkey and the Turtle". Students learned the importance of assisting others and being truthful with one another from the story.


A child's scholastic success and lifetime learning are both paved with the essential skills of reading and writing. So becoming literate doesn't have to involve only textbooks and drills. On Literacy Day, the class teachers planned some enjoyable literacy games to play with the pupils. Playful and engaging literacy exercises and games are effective instruments for developing a child's literacy abilities, encouraging a love of reading and writing, and supporting overall growth. These games and activities make learning interesting and engaging, whether at home or in school settings, and they have many benefits.


Literacy Day serves as a reminder that literacy is a gift we provide to our children, not just a talent. It's a present that gives them confidence, widens their horizons, and puts them on the road to a better future. Let's renew our commitment to the cause of early literacy as we commemorate this day and make sure that every child has the opportunity to develop into a lifelong reader and learner. Together, we can create a world where reading opens doors and gives young minds the tools they need to realise their aspirations.


Ms. Darlia

K2 Teacher