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Career Day 2024

The Tzu Chi School Secondary commenced Term 4 with a successful Career Day event on March 20, 2024, aimed at Grade 10 students. The event served multiple purposes, including preparing secondary students for early exposure to careers and future education paths, fostering awareness of various career options and occupations, and providing an opportunity for students to gain deeper insights into each profession from experts.

Organized by a collaborative team from Pastoral Care and Higher Education, the event featured guest speakers from esteemed local universities in Indonesia, including Prasetiya Mulya, BINUS International, UPH, and i3L. These speakers conducted two workshop sessions covering diverse fields such as Business, Marketing Communication, Mass Media, Computer Science, Game Design, Medicine, Food Science, and Pharmaceutical.

The students’ response to the event was overwhelmingly positive, with a high level of engagement observed throughout the sessions. Out of 124 respondents, more than 80% expressed high satisfaction with the event overall. Feedback highlighted the relevance of the topics covered and the value of the hands-on experiences shared during the workshops.

Some students expressed mixed suggestions, including a desire for longer sessions or additional sessions to broaden the scope of showcased career fields and involve more universities.

Shirley Yauwhan
Higher Education

Photos taken by: TCS Photography Club led by Mr Ronald Gunawan

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