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2019 December




First Place of Best Performance Lomba Sekolah Sehat Nasional 2019

It was started in 2017 when our school was nominated as a participant to represent Penjaringan District for Lomba Sekolah Sehat for North Jakarta level. We won the 1st place in North Jakarta. In 2018, again, our school won the 1st place at the provincial level of DKI Jakarta, in which win provided us with a great opportunity to enter the competition at the national level.

We do believe First Place of Best Performance Lomba Sekolah Sehat Nasional 2019 EARLY CHILDHOOD NEWS with perfect health; everything can be done. May this continues to inspire us to keep our good health.

In this opportunity, we, on behalf of the school, again would like to thank all of you for your endless support and commitment toward our school. We are always the best.


 Table of Contents


Healthy competition has positive gains for children even at a very young age. It helps them develop important skills for when they grow up, such as taking turns, showing empathy, and perseverance.

The competition involved fun individual games while showcasing students’ abilities in three languages (English, Mandarin, and Bahasa Indonesia) as well as in sports.

The children put a lot of effort into performing well and we are happy to see their progress. Through this competition, children also learned to accept defeat and to challenge themselves to perform better in the next one.

Good job everyone! We are proud of your achievement!


Tzu Chi Primary Performing Arts atau yang disebut juga dengan TCPPA merupakan wadah bagi para siswa SD Tzu Chi untuk berkumpul dan mengekspresikan diri melalui musik dan tarian. TCPPA sendiri terdiri dari String Ensemble Club, VoxTra Choir, Dance Troupe, dan tim Gamelan.

Tim Gamelan dan Dance Troupe mengadakan kegiatan camp di gedung Jing Si. Untuk Tim Gamelan, sekolah mengundang pelatih gamelan dari Samurti Andaru Laras yang sudah sangat berpengalaman dalam bidang ini, anggota tim gamelan yang terdiri dari tim gamelan junior dan tim gamelan senior mempelajari teknik-teknik bermain gamelan.

Kegiatan TCPPA Camp ditutup dengan penampilan dari setiap tim, masing masing dari tim langsung mempraktekkan ilmu yang didapat dan menunjukkan kebolehan mereka melalui pertunjukkan singkat.

Terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang terlibat dalam TCPPA Camp Day tahun ini, terutama kepada orang tua yang telah meluangkan waktu dan mendampingi siswa selama kegiatan camp berlangsung.

Semoga dengan adanya kegiatan ini, tim TCPPA akan menjadi lebih siap dalam menyambut pertunjukan Gala Concert yang akan diadakan pada bulan April 2020.


Prior to the service day, all students of Grade 11 and 12 attended a socialization session of Tzu Shao, a youth volunteer programme which guides the youth with the Tzu Chi humanistic culture, generating life education,learning to appreciate and respect others.

Students organized various activities, such as zumba, singing, playing games and storytelling. They also donated medicines, rice, and prepared goody bags containing crackers, biscuits, and drinking bottles.

As for students of Grade 12, most of them were involved in the project of setting up a library at Kampung Nelayan. During their first year of the IBDP, students carried out an investigation in this village where they identified a need for a library in the school.

There was an air of excitement and children had the great opportunity of accessing the library which was set up. Overall, it was a great project addressing global issues and developing students’ awareness and responsibilities towards a shared humanity.