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2020 February




Occupation Day

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

That’s a question we always love to ask our children. Think about all of the exciting careers our children would love to have when they grow up. Children today dream of being a “grown up” and doing incredible things.

To celebrate every child’s desire to achieve, we held an ‘Occupation Day’ on 14 February 2020. Students were dressed up as who they want to be in the future such as a ballerina, doctor, nurse, artist, pilot, car racer, police, soldier, singer, businessmen and many other professions.

In class, students were given a chance to show and tell their friends about their favorite occupation. This activity helped enhance our students’ language skills and developed selfconfidence.


 Table of Contents


On Friday, 14 February 2020, Tzu Chi School students, teachers and staff had a silent moment to pray and spread our love and care toward others, especially for all people affected by the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, China.

We built the children’s empathy and sympathy by collecting donations for people in Wuhan and disbursing it through Yayasan Buddha Tzu Chi Wiyata Indonesia as well as opened box donations in our EC lobby for a week from 17–21 February 2020 for those who would like to contribute to the COVID-19 outbreak victims.

We are confident Wuhan has the ability to bounce back and recover from this situation soon. Stay Strong Wuhan. Stay healthy and safe everyone.


Anak-anak di era modern tidak dapat dipisahkan dari penggunaan gawai. Selain untuk komunikasi dan mengakses informasi, anak-anak juga mulai mengenal media sosial, terutama saat mulai memasuki usia praremaja. Sementara itu, akses media sosial di usia dini terutama di bawah usia 13 tahun memerlukan pengawasan yang cukup dari orang dewasa. Anak-anak juga perlu dibekali dengan pengetahuan yang memadai perihal keamanan di dunia maya.

Pada kelas lanjutan di tanggal 17 Februari 2020, para wali kelas 5 dan 6 membawakan sesi yang bertema ‘How to Use Instagram Wisely: Be Safe, Be Responsible, and Be Respectful.’ Kehebohan terpancar dari wajah para murid yang aktif bertanya saat sesi berlangsung. Sejak sesi ini diberikan, siswa-siswi juga semakin terbuka dan berani dalam menceritakan pengalaman pribadi mereka di dunia maya kepada konselor, baik yang menyenangkan maupun yang kurang berkenan.

Semoga dengan adanya kedua sesi ini, siswa-siswi SD Tzu Chi dapat menerapkan kata perenungan Master Cheng Yen dalam kehidupan sehari-hari baik di dunia nyata maupun di dunia maya: “Speak kind words, think good thoughts, do good deeds, and walk the right path.”


During Tzu Chi School Secondary’s field trip week for Grade 7 and 8, the students experienced an in-school activity on E-STEM or Environment, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics that focuses on ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle common waste materials. The activity aims to strengthen the students’ skills in applying their knowledge on STEM—especially as integrated learning with the theme of taking care of the environment.

During the process, they also learned to collaborate and work as a team. They play the role of architects, engineers, and city developers in building the strongest and tallest towers. They also built the most robust prototype shelter for humans and animals from their collected waste materials.

After the building process, the students communicated what they learned through presentation and exhibition. They also donated their reused papers and plastic bottles to Tzu Chi Recycle Depot after the competition.