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Teachers’ Appreciation Day 2022

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Monday March 6th, 2023

  Teachers Appreciation Day 2022

On 25 November 2022, Tzu Chi Secondary School's Student Council, in collaboration with Grade 10 students,  held an annual event: Teachers' Appreciation Day. Through the hard work of Student Council members and Grade 10 students, the event, revolving around the theme of gratitude, was a success.


One week prior to the event, the Student Council prepared a "Freedom Wall: Thank a Teacher", where students are encouraged to write a message for their teachers to show their appreciation. The students were very enthusiastic about this Wall, and it was quickly filled up with positive and heartwarming messages. The messages on the Wall were then taken down and given to respective teachers on Teachers' Appreciation Day.


On the day itself, the Student Council prepared a series of activities. Starting the day, teachers are provided with a packed breakfast and freshly brewed coffee or tea. The Grade 10 students, responsible for this endeavor, served the food and beverages to the teachers and even helped them deliver the breakfast to their offices. Many teachers were delighted to receive breakfast and warm coffee or tea as they arrived at school.


During the afternoon, Tzu Chi Secondary School Students were separated into 2 batches to celebrate Teachers' Appreciation Day by participating in Teachers-Think-Together and Guess the Teacher.


Teachers-Think-Together is a game for teachers which was inspired by "Family Feud". All teachers are given the opportunity to participate and have fun. Fortunately, the activity was enjoyed by both the teachers and students, bonding them together and relieving the piled-up stress. Following that, students are requested to participate in Guess the Teacher, where a teacher's famous quote is presented and the students should guess which teacher is referred to. Afterward, the Superlatives Winner, decided by the students, was also announced.


To top off the event, in coordination with the PTA and Grade 10 students, the Student Council handed over Tokens of Appreciation for teachers, along with an appreciation card and messages from the Freedom Wall.


Though there were many preparations to be made for this event, the Student Council members had fun throughout the process. However, with the hard work of the SC mentors, SC members, Grade 10 Grade Level Leader, Grade 10 students, and PTA, this event was a success. With unity and collaboration, many great things can be achieved.