GENERAL ENQUIRIES:   (021) 2233 9888   |  ADMISSIONS ENQUIRIES:   +62 852-1966-2094 (whatsapp only)
Tzu Chi School
Admission Procedures


Tzu Chi School accepts applications for N1 (aged 2 years) to Grade 11. We usually start our admission process in September each year.
Tzu Chi School menerima pendaftaran siswa baru mulai Nursery 1 (usia 2 tahun) sampai kelas 11. Pendaftaran kami biasanya dimulai setiap bulan September setiap tahun.

Children must be of appropriate age for Nursery 1 (2 years), Nursery 2 (3 years), Kindergarten 1 (4 years), Kindergarten 2 (5 years), and Primary 1 (6 years). Our cut off birth date is 31st October for each level mentioned.
Calon siswa harus berusia 2 tahun (N1), 3 tahun (N2), 4 tahun (K1) dan 6 tahun (SD 1). Tanggal ulang tahun termuda yang kami terima adalah 31 Oktober di setiap levelnya.

The application form can be accessed from Tzu Chi School website on the designated date and paid upon lodging the application. Before applying parents should read, understand and willing to abide all the policies and requirements stated in the form. Secondary level application forms can be obtained from Marketing Office.
Formulir pendaftaran dapat diakses dari website Tzu Chi School dan dibayar saat pengembalian formulir. Sebelum mendaftar, orang tua harus membaca, mengerti serta bersedia mematuhi peraturan dan ketentuan yang tertera dalam formulir. Untuk tingkatan Secondary formulir pendaftaran bisa diperoleh di kantor marketing.


The application Form and required documents must be sent to Marketing Office on the designated date in the email received after applying online or offline (for Secondary level)
Formulir pendaftaran dan dokumen yang diperlukan dikirim terlebih dahulu ke Kantor Marketing sesuai dengan tanggal yang ditentukan dalam email yang diterima setelah mendaftar secara online ataupun offline (untuk tingkatan Secondary)

All applicants will take an observation test (for N1, N2, K1, and K2) or entrance test (for Primary and Secondary level) which is scheduled by school. Status of application will be notified to parents via phone/email, or can be checked through school website. The application may be accepted, wait listed, re-testing, or denied.
Calon siswa harus mengikuti observasi (untuk kelas N1, N2, K1 dan K2) atau ujian masuk (untuk level Primary dan Secondary) yang dijadwalkan oleh pihak sekolah. Pemberitahuan hasil test yaitu diterima, waiting list, test ulang atau ditolak, akan diinformasikan pada orang tua melalui telepon / email, atau bisa dilihat di website sekolah.

Tzu Chi School has the full right to select which students are admitted to school based on school requirements and policies.
Tzu Chi School memiliki hak penuh untuk memilih siswa-siswa yang akan diterima di sekolah berdasarkan kebutuhan dan ketentuan sekolah.



Accepted students will receive their Acceptance Letter within two weeks after exam or observation. Final confirmation of school places is conditional upon payment of: registration fee, admission fee, & tuition fee.
Siswa yang diterima akan mendapat Surat Penerimaan dalam jangka waktu dua minggu setelah ujian atau observasi. Siswa baru resmi terdaftar setelah pembayaran Uang pendaftaran, uang Pangkal dan Uang Sekolah dipenuhi.


There will be orientation events for students and/or parents before the school starts. The schedule will be notified later.
Bagi siswa baru, sekolah akan mengadakan orientasi kelas dan orientasi keluarga baru sebelum sekolah dimulai. Jadwal akan diinformasikan kemudian.

Parents will be informed about the designated dates for distribution of school uniform and supplies.
Orangtua akan diinformasikan tentang tanggal distribusi seragam dan keperluan sekolah.




National Students / Murid WNI

  • 3 latest color photos (3x4 cm) / 3 lembar pasfoto berwarna terbaru (3x4 cm)
  • Copy of school report card* (the last 3 years) / Fotokopi rapor sekolah (3 tahun terakhir)
  • Copy of Birth Certificate / Fotokopi Surat Lahir
  • Copy of Family Card / Fotokopi Kartu Keluarga
  • Copy of parents' ID / Fotokopi KTP orang tua
  • Copy of Vaccination Record / Fotokopi bukti vaksinasi
  • 1 whole body photo (color photo postcard size) / 1 foto satu badan (berwarna, ukuran kartu pos)

International Students / Murid WNA

  • 3 latest color photos (3x4 cm) / 3 lembar pasfoto berwarna terbaru (3x4 cm)
  • Copy of school report card* (the last 3 years) / Fotokopi rapor sekolah (3 tahun terakhir)
  • Copy of Birth Certificate / Fotokopi Surat Lahir
  • Copy of Family Card / Fotokopi Kartu Keluarga
  • Copy of parents' ID Card / Fotokopi KTP orang tua
  • Copy of Vaccination Record / Fotokopi bukti vaksinasi
  • 1 whole body photo (colored photo postcard size) / 1 foto satu badan (berwarna, ukuran kartu pos)
  • Copy of student's & parents' passport / Fotokopi paspor murid & orang tua
  • Copy of student's & parents' KIMS / KITAS / SKLD / Fotokopi KIMS / KITAS / SKLD murid dan orang tua
  • Permit Letter to study in Indonesia from Diknas / Education Ministry after being accepted as student / Surat izin belajar di Indonesia dari Diknas / Kementrian Pendidikan setelah diterima sebagai murid.

* Legalized English transcript of Grade 9 and above is needed (only for Grade 10-11 applicant)





Child observation by teachers or early childhood development experts (approximately 30 minutes).
Observasi calon siswa oleh guru atau ahli tumbuh kembang anak (sekitar 30 menit).


Grades 1-6 :

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Mandarin Language
  • Indonesian Language
  • Interview (student)

Duration: Approx. 2 hours. / Durasi ujian sekitar 2 jam.


Grades 7-11 :

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Mandarin Language
  • Interview (student)

Duration: Approx. 4 hours. / Durasi ujian sekitar 4 jam.


For Grade 11:

Interview with IB Diploma Coordinator. / Interview dengan koordinator IB Diploma.